Release v0.6.0

Dittofeed v0.6.0: Polytomic Reverse ETL and Reworked Broadcast Flow
Hey folks, we're back with another significant update: Dittofeed v0.6.0. The highlights of this release are support for reverse ETL via Polytomic reverse ETL and a comprehensive reworking of our broadcast flow. Let's dive into the details!
Release Details
New: Reverse ETL with Polytomic
With our new Polytomic integration, Dittofeed workspace members can now directly pull data from databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL or data warehouses such as Snowflake, BigQuery, and Redshift. This means you can flexibly introduce new events without relying on an engineer to tweak the production codebase with additional event tracking. It's a game-changer, especially for teams running lean on engineering manpower.
See Polytomic's getting started docs, as well as their Dittofeed docs for more information!
New: Simplified Broadcast Flow
Based on your invaluable feedback, we've completely revamped our broadcast flow. We've aimed to make it more intuitive by guiding you through each step:
1. Create a user segment.

2. Craft your template.

3. Submit. That's all there is to it!
We hope to refine this flow further, so please provide whatever feedback you can!
New: Email Test Messages
Sending email test messages can be a great way to ensure that they render correctly in all of the relevant email clients. It's also useful for testing that your credentials for your email service provider are configured correctly.
Finally, this feature is useful for checking that the domain you've configured in your email is authorized in your email service provider. This is a common footgun!
Improved: Speedier Segment Page Load Times
We've substantially sped up load times for the segment configuration page by opting to load event traits lazily on the client.
New: Plaintext Email Example
To help you get started, we've added an example of a plaintext welcome email (footer with company address and unsubscribe link included). It feels personal, rather than overdesigned.
Wrap Up
This release is packed with features aimed at improving your user experience and providing more flexibility in how you engage with your audience. As always, we're eager to hear your feedback, especially if you're leveraging the new Polytomic reverse ETL or trying out our revamped broadcast flow.
On a personal note, I (Max, a co-founder) got married!

Now with Chandler, my co-founder.

Thanks for being a part of the Dittofeed community!