
Release v0.4.0

Hey folks, we've rolled out Dittofeed v0.4.0, and it's a big one. This release is particularly geared toward those interested in self-hosting Dittofeed. Self-hosting is a great choice if you:

  • Want to try out Dittofeed without a major commitment.
  • Prefer a non-volume based pricing model.
  • Want to keep all your PII securely within your own network.

Release Details

New: dittofeed-lite

We've provided simplified "lite" version of Dittofeed which combines the dashboard, API, and worker into a single easy to deploy application.

New: Render 1-Click Deploy

Now you can deploy Dittofeed to Render with just one click.

This render deployment combines the previously mentioned dittofeed-lite, and single tenant auth mode simplify deployments further. This setup costs $39/month to host, flat.

With additional effort, the render deployment's cost can be reduced further by using alternative hosting for Dittofeed's postgres and clickhouse instances (such as neon and clickhouse cloud), to less than $20/month. Join our Slack to learn more!

New: Message Stats in Journey Editor

Get stats on how your messages are performing right within the journey editor.

New: First Messages Analysis Page Section

View performance stats for your messages across all journeys in a single table.

Improved: Local Development Documentation

Big thanks to new contributor Promise Tochi for adding a missing step to our local development docs.

Improved: Change Node Editor Position

Also from Promise Tochi, the node editor in the journey editor has been repositioned so it doesn't overlap the node palette.

Improved: Dittofeed-Worker Temporal Configuration

More configuration options to better manage memory usage and worker stability.


Another warm welcome to our new contributor, Promise Tochi!

We'd love to hear your feedback on these updates in our community.

Thanks for reading!

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