Design message templates with HTML, MJML, or Dittofeed's low-code Notion-like builder. Personalize user messaging with Liquid syntax.

Template editors for every channel
Personalized messages based on User Properties computed from identify traits & track events
Supports MJML & HTML markup. Soon to support a drag-and-drop Notion-like designer.
Generate & preview text message templates. Send via your chosen SMS provider (rates apply).
Create webhook templates to power Slack, WhatsApp, & mobile push automations.
Try live demo
Personalization with Liquid syntax
Use Shopify's popular syntax to inject user properties into your message templates
Use templates in Broadcasts & Journeys
Send templates as one-off blasts, or place as many templates as needed inside of journey automations
The Open-source Customer Engagement Platform.
Simplify lifecycle marketing and transactional messaging with Dittofeed's open-source tools.