
Release v0.13.1

Dittofeed v0.13.1: Webhooks and Admin API

Hi all, this post announces Dittofeed v0.13.1 which includes some really big new features.

  • A new Webhook Channel for making arbitrary API requests from journeys.
  • And Admin API for managing your workspace programmatically.
  • A rework to the publishing UX of template drafts.

This release brings a new contributor:

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Release Details

New: Webhook Channel

The new Webhook channel is Dittofeed's most versatile channel, allowing API requests to be sent to any number of services from user Journeys. This is great for:

  • Sending messages with your own internal APIs.
  • Supporting messaging channels which Dittofeed hasn't built out dedicated support for.

These use cases span:

  • Sending Slack messages.
  • Native mobile push.
  • Triggering messages from a proprietary email or SMS API.

and more.

New: Admin API

The Admin API allows you to manage your Dittofeed workspace programmatically.

This release exposes several Admin endpoints, including:

These endpoints are prefixed with the path /api/admin. Unlike public /api/public endpoints, Admin API endpoints require an Admin API key.

Improved: Template Publishing Flow

We've released a much-improved template editor that allows you to compare your published templates with your current draft! This change provides a visual warning when you have unpublished changes and buttons for publishing and reverting your draft changes.

Fix: Subscription Link Corner Case

Fixed a corner case with unsubscribe link rendering, which could arise with numeric user IDs.

Improved: Collapsible Template

You can now collapse the user properties panel in the template editor to save space while authoring your template! Thank you, Ananthu Kurup, for contributing this feature!

Wrap Up

Release v0.13.1 is a big release for Dittofeed with some really important features.  If you're self-hosting Dittofeed, make sure to read our upgrade guide:

Until next time!

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